ADM scores ‘A+’rating for service

Peter Drummond has worked for over thirty years as a service engineer and therefore knows a thing or two about looking after customers.

He had recently purchased a 250 square metre detached property in Glasgow that was in need of renovation. Even though it was a timber frame construction, it still had very poor levels of energy efficiency.

After careful consideration of all the options he decided to install a heat recovery ventilation (MVHR) system from ADM for two reasons. Firstly, the original windows didn’t have trickle vents and he wanted to avoid retro-fitting these to achieve adequate levels of ventilation. Peter also selected a MVHR system because his calculations demonstrated that it was one of the best ways of reducing his energy bills.

“The service and advice I received from ADM was exceptional and I would rate it as A+,” said Peter Drummond. “I found the company friendly and helpful – they provided me with invaluable independent advice on what system would best suit my property. When I encountered issues with my calculations at the design stage it was always possible to speak to someone at ADM – and that was a huge help.”

Peter Drummond’s decision to choose an MVHR system from ADM has proven to be beneficial and he has already noticed a 25 per reduction in his energy bills.

Peter adds: “The MVHR system along with extra insulation and a new boiler have saved around a quarter on our energy bills. Although this is a property built in the 1980’s, my calculations show that it would now achieve a Code for Sustainable Homes level 3 or 4, which is a vast improvement from when we moved in as I doubt it would even have complied with current building regulations.”

The MVHR system from ADM fitted in Peter Drummond’s property is able to recover over 90 per cent of the heat from the outgoing stale air before feeding it back into the house as warm, fresh, filtered air.

The MVHR system provides a continuous low level of background ventilation, avoiding the need to retro-fit trickle vents in the windows. This has created a much healthier indoor air quality as the Drummond family had noticed that before the refurbishment air inside the property felt stuffy on a damp winter’s day due to the lack on ventilation. Since fitting the MVHR system the house feels fresh and healthy all year round even when the windows are closed.

ADM offers one of the widest selections of brand-leading MVHR systems in the UK. The fact that they are not restricted to offering a single manufacturer’s brand enables them to provide customers with independent advice on what system is best suited to their property. Peter Drummond is amongst a growing number of customers who have benefited from this service.

How does MVHR deliver energy efficient, effective ventilation?

The MVHR system installed at Peter Drummond’s property works by a series of ducts that collects stale moist air from inside the house from areas such as the kitchen, laundry and bathrooms. This stale contaminated air passes through the HRV unit and is exhausted to the outside. Clean fresh air is then drawn from the outside and, as the two air streams pass each other, the heat is transferred from the outgoing stale air to the fresh incoming air. There is no mixing of air streams.

The MVHR system is able to capture up to 95% of the energy from the outgoing stale air before delivering it as warm filtered, preconditioned air into the living areas of the property through the ducting.

Why effective ventilation matters?

• Good ventilation helps to create a healthier environment for you and your family. It works by removing polluted and moisture- rich air found in the home, and replaces it with fresh air taken from outside.

• Ventilation minimises or even eliminates the effects of dust mites for those who suffer with asthma and other respiratory problems.

• Moisture in the air can lead to condensation and mould growth. House dust mites flourish in damp conditions, which can aggravate asthma and other health issues.

• Construction materials, paint, cleaning products and carpets all used in the home give off harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

• Radon is an odourless gas that comes from water, soil and rocks. It is harmless in the outdoor air, but when trapped within a dwelling can be extremely dangerous to your health.

• Everyday odours from cooking, domestic pets, our bodies, toilets, Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), circulate around the home.

• Potentially dangerous gasses, including carb on diox ide and carbon monoxide, together with ETS, pose serious health risks.

• Modern homes are designed to b e airtight, creating an almost complete seal, which leads to the internal air being stale, unpleasant and polluted.

• Airborne pollen from trees, grass and flowers, which circulate around the home, can cause debilitating symptoms for hay fever sufferers.
